Thursday, April 14, 2011

Running Away

I used to run a fair bit, until my knees and lack of discipline gave way.I ran (attempted) recently and almost killed myself at the park, swear to God the monkeys were looking at me funny as I was trying to catch my breath after a measly 15 minute jog, huffing and puffing like a dog in heat. Needless to say the knees were hurting a fair bit, crap, I felt really old then. As I sat on the ground, soaking up the morning air, kneading my knees absent mindedly, I watched my surroundings and I still could recognise some of the regulars. Some young, some middle aged, some not so young; all looking fit and largely unaffected (like a still picture) despite my prolonged absence. The regular exercise must be doing them some good. Some are still jogging furiously as ever, looking intent in trying to finish up their weekly quota of miles. I admire their perseverance grudgingly, wondering if health was the only reason that drove them. As cliche as it sounds, running is not merely physical but very much mental as well. And perhaps this is the explanation for the contrast between my tubby physic and the regulars here with their toned and taut physic. Other than pure will power, they seem to have purpose, a destinaton, a goal that they intent to meet. They are running with the future in mind, and what lies ahead. I, on the other hand, am running from the past, not caring what lies ahead for fear of meeting demons that have appeared in the past.


Its official, my networth is a million as of this month thanks to a couple of property investments. Ask me 10 years back and I would have been jumping with joy and ticking off one more milestone in the to-do list. But its inherently meaningless to me now and a million nowadays doesn't get you very far anyway.


Daphne Iking (Dahlia now) in FHM...I was so smitten by her years back.


Sorry for not writing for so long, I have been travelling a fair bit and trying to get the regional deals going. I hope everyone is fine and dandy.

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