Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sapu Semua

Omigosh,I am getting closer to uncle-hood,I have a confession to make. Am staying in a swanky hotel for the past week and all I can think of after a full day of mumbo jumbo and networking is how many Loccitane shower gel and soap bars I am going to accumulate before I check out so that I can show the Queen and Bumblebee my impressive stash of premium soap. 5 tubes of shower gel and 5 pieces of soap bars...champion...hmmm...should I start a body lotion collection too?.....hmmmm...oooo *distracted* shoe cream....

My excuse; I am compelled to act beyond my norm as it is the Queen's request to bring back a stash. The Penang-ite in her is quite apparent when it comes to hotel shower gel, and I blame it on the Queen’s mum, who I understand is also an afficionado of hotel room consumables. While I have this fear of having to open my bag at immigration come one fine day, with dozens of mini bottles and soap bars tumbling out, being stared at by a group of stewardess standing behind me; I have turned this hoarding into a mini challenge. My best haul for a 4 day stay was 7 shower gels, 5 shampoo gels and 8 large soap bars. Its embarassing la….


Overheard in Bankerland

Shuttlecock: “Tell me, how do you do it, how do you network and market for transactions? You are doing well with some deals done regionally and I want to learn from you”
Banker Wanker: *almost chocked on sugary donut* “Err, I just do a lot of travelling….”
Shuttlecock: “We should form an alliance since I am in my new position now and my scope is complementary to your coverage and scope”
Banker Wanker: “But we may have to sleep together, err, I mean share the same room since Capon is quite particular about cost.”
Shuttlecock: *Gives coy 40 year old virgin maid smile*
Banker Wanker: *omfg…..stuffs remaining donut into big mouth as best as I could, hoping it doesn’t look suggestive in any manner, scampers out like a dingo in the water*


Tong tong tong chiang…CNY around the corner. I need to shop for my yearly lucky boxers. Bagi ketat punya so that all the $$$ won’t fall out.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Thank you for the music...

“Drop the last year into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go.” – Brooks Atkinson


There are times when I would be floored by an insatiable need to hear music, and that’s when I will hit the stores (yes, old fashion me, but owning CDs is sort of a childhood promise I made to myself) to see if I can find any interesting releases. I am game for any genre and tend to go on gut-feel, some prior sampling and a good dose of open-mindedness; and more often than not, I would uncover some gems along the way. I was hankering for some new music last week, and decided to pop into a chain with Bumblebee. Playing overhead was a song with a pretty catchy beat and it was then I caught Bumblebee moving both his hands in the air to the beat of the song, like some feng-tou dance, baby style. It was brilliant. The boy has some music in him afterall (the moves will come later, once I am done teaching him how to dance the imaginary-knife-cutting-the-air dance ). And like my late dad who used to imbue me with music i.e classical guitar classes, music books and concerts, I hope my love for music would rub of on Bumblebee as well. I have been thinking a lot about how my late dad has influenced me as a kid (the good bits), despite the short period of time spent together and tragic circumstances on the family and career front. And as flawed as I am, I do hope that Bumblebee will have some good bits to see him through life on Bumblebee…


Ok ok only, tried to be different but was lukewarm at best. Awesome scene involving US Airforce (but of course, it can only be the great You-Ass-Aye) jets dogfighting with alient crafts.

Blibical references aplenty, good special effects…but a tad too sterilized for my liking.

3D effects, great. Storyline, like yesterday’s tea. Chick from House, in Tron glowy suit, sizzling.

Harry Potter, 1st part of last installment
Read the book, decent adaptation. Still think its too dark for kids.

Omigosh, Captain America, Thor and Green Lantern this year. Can’t wait to watch them alone


Changes in Bankerland

- New bosses everywhere, with Capon being the only constant
- Capon acting like a retired general….(ohh, wait a minute, that hasn’t changed from the past..ooppps)
- Small Dick has left the building for good…I feel sad for him that it didn’t work out here, but good riddance to someone who consciously decided that he would be a pain in the arse prior to his departure.
- New colleagues, among others, Selfish-Twig, Eager Beaver and Bree

I expect to see a lot more changes this year in Bankerland, and while some may not be desirable, it is still going to be exciting to see how the business will grow. Game face on, let’s go.