Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sapu Semua

Omigosh,I am getting closer to uncle-hood,I have a confession to make. Am staying in a swanky hotel for the past week and all I can think of after a full day of mumbo jumbo and networking is how many Loccitane shower gel and soap bars I am going to accumulate before I check out so that I can show the Queen and Bumblebee my impressive stash of premium soap. 5 tubes of shower gel and 5 pieces of soap bars...champion...hmmm...should I start a body lotion collection too?.....hmmmm...oooo *distracted* shoe cream....

My excuse; I am compelled to act beyond my norm as it is the Queen's request to bring back a stash. The Penang-ite in her is quite apparent when it comes to hotel shower gel, and I blame it on the Queen’s mum, who I understand is also an afficionado of hotel room consumables. While I have this fear of having to open my bag at immigration come one fine day, with dozens of mini bottles and soap bars tumbling out, being stared at by a group of stewardess standing behind me; I have turned this hoarding into a mini challenge. My best haul for a 4 day stay was 7 shower gels, 5 shampoo gels and 8 large soap bars. Its embarassing la….


Overheard in Bankerland

Shuttlecock: “Tell me, how do you do it, how do you network and market for transactions? You are doing well with some deals done regionally and I want to learn from you”
Banker Wanker: *almost chocked on sugary donut* “Err, I just do a lot of travelling….”
Shuttlecock: “We should form an alliance since I am in my new position now and my scope is complementary to your coverage and scope”
Banker Wanker: “But we may have to sleep together, err, I mean share the same room since Capon is quite particular about cost.”
Shuttlecock: *Gives coy 40 year old virgin maid smile*
Banker Wanker: *omfg…..stuffs remaining donut into big mouth as best as I could, hoping it doesn’t look suggestive in any manner, scampers out like a dingo in the water*


Tong tong tong chiang…CNY around the corner. I need to shop for my yearly lucky boxers. Bagi ketat punya so that all the $$$ won’t fall out.

1 comment:

  1. walao. if you consider hoarding toiletries a signal of uncle-hood, that means ive been an aunty for the past 3 years!
