Monday, November 30, 2009


Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson..
Xena, Warrior Princess and Gabrielle..
Batman and Robin..
Porky Pig and Daffy Duck..
Pinky and The Brain..
Hiro Nakamura and Ando Masahashi..

These are just a few examples of the quintessential sidekick whose role is often time the perfect counterfoil to the hero/protagonist's character, physical presence or even state of mind. For example; an openly flamboyant effeminate sidekick may make an unimposing hero look more masculine; a strong, silent and modest hero may have his fighting qualities revealed by a talkative sidekick. The sidekick is often the confidant who knows the protagonist better than anyone else and gives a convincing reason to like the protagonist.

In Bankerland, I am fortunate enough to have someone whom I can call as my sidekick. Knowingly or otherwise, she has been a great friend, confidant and supporter in both my personal and work realms. It has been a great 3 years Sidekick and while I know our time in Bankerland is coming to a close, I will always cherish the memories. My only hope is that, at some point in the past, in the midst of my personal trials and tribulations, I had been enough of a friend for you to have called me your sidekick.

Priceless gems heard from Sidekick over the years
"I give a damn good head kay"

You are truly a gem.

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