Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Constant Banker

It is 10 in the morning and I am enjoying the city’s foreign skyline from the highest floor of one of the best hotel that this city has to offer. I was lucky to be upgraded last night and the size of the room is enough to do some cart wheels with space to spare. Sigh, the view is excellent; I could sit here forever in this plush reading chair just staring into the skyline and doing some light reading. The din from the city is audible but only enough to be comforting and familiar, faint chatter emanating from the tv on the background provided some ambient sound to work myself into a relax mood. The work that needed to be done has been done, so it is down time now. I am exhausted and numb to a degree, but I am glad to be away from home. This morning, like many mornings that I have had in the past during my travels, I thought about the path that has led me to this very day, to this very moment. It has been a path fraught with much pain and disappointment and peppered with rare moments of success and getting something done right, at the right time. Abundance of luck appears to be the dominant theme. It could have been better, but it is not the worst, so that’s me settling again. I thought about how things have changed significantly in the last 9 months or so. I have changed, people around me too. Sidekick, Soulmate, Moonlight and the Queen have all changed too; for better or for worst, that’s not for me to judge. The only thing that has remained constant is the way I feel each time I stand in my hotel room, in a foreign land, alone, looking out into the skyline from the window. I will be in another foreign land next week and I look forward to the view from my hotel room again. Maybe one day, I would be able to share this with someone that matters…maybe some day, but not for now and maybe never. Time will tell if that’s a constant too…..

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