Friday, July 9, 2010

Fire in the hole....kabooommm

So, the Queen and I have been on a cold war for a couple of days now after a series of arguments about work(mine)and how plugged out we have been in trying to juggle work, Bumblebee and ourselves. After all said and done, the same cycle repeats itself and the conclusion is predictable with me normally taking the short end of the stick. I can do no right.


Things in Bankerland have been fluid and that's probably an understatement. Its tiresome to see structures and roles changing again and while it has largely been pretty ok for me, the timing of it all, coinciding with my already frayed mental state of mind is throwing me off my axis. The sad thing is, the many things (in particular relationships and friendships) that have brought much sanity are either no longer there or slowly unravelling to oblivion. Its like trying to shore up the foundations with ad-hoc building blocks only to realise much later that it has too much sand and not enough cement. On some days, I wish someone would blow me up (pun not intended) like one of those demolition jobs in Vegas, hit the foundations hard with TNT and let is crumble like a stack of cards. *Banker Wanker points to his chubby ass, please stick TNT there, make it a short fuse please*


Sidekick, stay strong.I know things can be rough but you got to believe that one day, you would sail into calmer waters. Ok, sorry, I am lying, life can be a bitch all the time, and Murphy's Law dictates that some of us would probably continue to be in rough seas in perpetuity. But at least, potentially, you and I would have a kickass 60 feet state of the art yatch to surf the rough waves (yours would be named "Fuck Life", mine would be named "Suck This"), fitted with a jacuzzi, maple wood trimmings and virgin goat leather all round, endless supply of Moet and a hot crew (Italian studs for you, Japanese GT girls for me)to serve us. Keep the faith!

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