Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It wasn't me

Bumblebee is going through a bout of separation anxiety which means sudden burst of crying in the middle of night from his cot, resulting in him being transported to the bed for the rest of the night. It’s a queen size bed, which means that I often find myself being squeezed to the corner, exacerbated by Bumblebee’s standard sleeping position of outstretched arms. And on some mornings, I wake up with his saliva coated fist firmly lodged in my face. When I am real lucky, its his feet on my face cause he is also at the turning-in-sleep-180-degrees phase. Saliva coated fist and smelly feet has never been more welcomed.


Overheard in Bankerland:

Capon: “I am stressed out and worried, I am not sure if I can cope”
Banker Wanker: “Well, we all just have to deal with it”
Capon: “I might need to hire someone real senior. Who do you think can play the role?”
Banker Wanker: *gives 3 names* *suggest alternate solution”
Capon : *picks one name* *non-committal on alternate solution*
Banker Wanker : *gives up*
Banker Wanker plans to spend more time away from work once peak season is over.

Capon: “Seriously, what’s going on with the both of you?”
Banker Wanker : “Nothing, I know there are much speculation, but they are all not true, nothing is going on”
Capon: *gives unconvinced look* “I have done my share of mistakes, I won’t judge you. So did you hump her or not?”
Banker Wanker: “Really now?” *keeps mum* “There is nothing, stop digging, it wasn't me”


I have been trying to keep away from having solo meet-ups with Soulmate for the longest time, and I was about to run out of reasons and excuses. We finally had dinner recently and game face was on. We had a good conversation on relationships, work and life in general, skirted around enough awkwardness on my part to exude some semblance of normalcy. There were scuff marks on the armour but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Sidekick would have been proud of me although I did go back thereafter and drowned myself with enough umeshu and whisky to kill a small forest creature. Kidney preservation should start early if you are planning to donate them after we expire :0 drink up boys and girls, we got plenty of time to act saintly in the afterlife.

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