Thursday, December 10, 2009

Ad Meliora...I Hope

Had lunch with Midori recently and the conversation gravitated to the person Midori is dating, who is almost 10 years older. She has never dated younger or similar aged men before solely for the reason that she doesn't find them matured enough for her liking.

I wonder if its really age that determines the level of maturity or the conditioning/background/up-bringing/experiences that determines the level of maturity. I suppose being an aged person means you would have more experiences, but a young person could feasibly have an accelerated "life" such that the person is beyond his/her age. Food for thought.


Capon : "Banker Wanker, what time is the meeting next week?"
Banker Wanker : "Capon, 9.30 a.m"
Capon : *Walks away without saying anything*
Banker Wanker : Mentally throws 100 shirukens towards Capon's slimy back.

Banker Wanker : "I will miss you"
Soulmate : "Me too"
Banker Wanker : "Life is such"
Soulmate : "Ce'st la vie"
Banker Wanker feels like 100 shirukens had just pierce through his heart.

Banker Wanker : "I don't have anything for myself, I have given too much. I just want something for myself"
The Queen : "Do you think I have much?"
Banker Wanker : "Your centre is family, mine has always been a different composite. In any case, for once, this conversation is not about you. Its about me"
Banker Wanker trying to be frank, but feels that he has to continue on this road of trepidation for Bumblebee's sake.


Procastination is such a disease. For the longest time I have thought about branching out, leaving Bankerland and the corporate world and just having a swing at something entrepreneurial. Something deep down says that I have the tools for it, but making that first big step is like standing at the edge of the cliff of Niagara Falls, knowing that your one step needs to cover 1km across. Gulp. No balls, no rewards, no glory. But I feel that recent developments are pushing me towards that edge and very soon, I may have to make that big leap across the abyss and see where I land on the other side.


I don't care what people say, and while I am not really a golfing fan, I think people should leave Tiger Woods alone cause he has a right to seek his own happiness and so be it if it takes the form of promiscuity and random sex. Go Tiger, go sink more birdies :)

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