Wednesday, December 2, 2009

65% for 100%

From sleep deprived state of mind and after effects of 3 glasses of Umesyu and a glass of wine last night, during Bumblebee's 4a.m feed:

Hi, I am Banker Wanker, and I am an investment banker who specializes in giving you 65% of my effort while making you feel like you are getting 100%. Tomorrow, you will wake up feeling like a million buckeroos not knowing I have short changed you. Thank you for banking at Bankerland, the only bank that CAN and WILL satisfy you. *porcelain smile, flashing perfect white teeth*

Yesterday, Sidekick and I traded goss. It was overwhelming to the extent we had to load up on Japo food and umesyu (the ones that sat with me during my 4a.m milk run) after work, to sort of suss out what we knew. My conclusion is; Irregardless of what dark secrets you have lurking in the closet, you are still you and your real friends will always be there for you.


So, truly, is it wrong to give 65% knowing that it is a 100% for the other person? Would it be considered cheating? (in the case of a relationship where one partner gives 65% effort into the relationship, and that 65% is good enough for the other partner). Can one be entirely happy giving 65% and leaving the rest of the 35% to someone else perhaps?

Damn, since when relationships were measured in percentages?

I am so screwed and it isn't even the pleasurable kind.


An original piece by Banker Wanker:

She whispers her promises gently into my ears, words painted in hues of spring, but like spring, that bring promises of life and hope, summer like a distant echo looms beyond the hills, autumn lies in turn on the horizon, and therein lies sadness, embedded in winter’s cold silence.

Painted in hues of spring, promises of life and hope, she glides along caressing weary souls, gently whispering that all which troubles, is but for a moment, and that only is important, which is eternal.

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