Thursday, January 21, 2010

As Time Goes By

Overheard in Bankerland:

-- Banker Wanker : "Why isn't this clause incorporated into the mandate letter?"
Fresh Siew Pau : "I dunno, but Snoop Dawg told me once before, but I can't remember now" *looks at Snoop Dawg, manja tone* "Snooop Dawwgggg, tell me, tell me again laa"
Snoop Dawg : *gives wtf look*
Banker Wanker : "Think it through on your own first"
Fresh Siew Pau : "Ok" *goes behind later and continues to bug Snoop Dawg*
Banker Wanker thinks some people deserves to be slapped out of their bubble and into reality.

-- Isabella : "You were good at the meeting just now, client was hanging on to every word you said"
Banker Wanker : "I was just winging it, I think there were some mistakes"
Isabella : "Well, it was convincing enough"
Banker Wanker : "Amazing how we can convince other people, but not ourselves when it matters most"
Banker Wanker thinks that sometimes we are all too harsh on ourselves and that we ought to give ourselves a break once in a while.


I have shared with others how it felt like to turn 30 some years back and now after a couple of years into my 3rd decade, it is truly scary how time flies by in a blink of an eye. Perhaps as we get older, and as more worldly things are thrust upon us, we spend the finite time we have trying to juggle 6 balls in the air, focusing just on the moment itself, day in day out. And in these moments, it is almost impossible to really cherish the time we have as all our energy and consciousness is devoted to the task at hand, of trying to keep the 6 balls up in the air. This is exacerbated by the growing list of things to do and unfulfilled goals, desires and achievements which just gets longer and longer by the year. We feel caved in by the finite time we have to try to make an impact and perhaps in our haste to achieve something, we may succumb to short cuts and halfheartedness, never really fulfilling one's potential and ultimately leading to a less than desired outcome in every aspect of our lives. I hope this is not the case for you and I hope it is not for me for much longer....

"But if in you thought you must measure time into seasons, let each season encircle all the other seasons, And let today embrace the past with remembrance and the future with longing."Gibran

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