Friday, January 8, 2010

Mr. Konekbruisekow

I can't seem to add pictures/graphics into my post, the "add picture/graphics" button is not available at all. Can someone help? :( ...I am hopeless when it comes to blogging.


The Queen and I have been traversing between home and the Out-laws (in-laws) to drop Bumblebee off every morning and boy, been really feeling my age. The early morning drive across west PJ and then through traffic to our respective offices in KL means I clock some serious mileage everyday. Coupled with my stoned demeanor before my morning coffee in the office, you can imagine how sunshiney I am in my Japanese tin can. I can't understand how women (the Queen in this case) wants to still have a conversation early in the morning. For me, I am just happy dodging the rempits, listening to the radio and thinking about how great Charlize Theron would look sitting in my brand new Porsche Panamera (yes, the one I am going to buy when I have earned my gazillion buckeroos). Obviously the grunts and head nods from us male folk would never suffice and things would predictably come to head with the oh-so-often-asked question cum mini statement of sorts.. "Why you so glum this morning? Bad mood ah?" Reads : "Yes, I am marginally interested to know what's wrong but hell, you better start making some coherent sounds from that gab of yours"

Me, I am thinking that 1) its way too early to be up AND having to put up with this, 2) I need coffee now and 3) the lack (err, none?) of bedroom action in the last one year has probably contributed to my glumness. *hears tiny squeaky voice from the south...ahbutthen*


Overheard in Bankerland

-- Da King : "Banker Wanker, your girlfriend is here"
Banker Wanker : "Which one? Oh dear, I had some demented girlfriends in the past la...was almost placed under Traumatised Ex's BF Protection Programme weh under a Scandinavian pseudo Mr. Konekbruisekow"
Da King : "Ms Skanky la"
Banker Wanker : "Ooooohh...*looks over*...that's almost good enough to change one's name to Mr. Konekbruisekow"
Banker Wanker thinks the conversations in Bankerland are going downhill day by day laaa... :)


  1. hey banker wanker. stumbled onto this blog. am an under-30 yr old m'sian in the corporate sector too. not a banker tho. really liked reading your blog. mostly coz i think in a couple of years i may be living your life, career wise and personal life wise. hope to read more about how this goes.

  2. also you might want to try setting up a account to upload pictures then link and display your pictures on your blog using that site. alternatively you could migrate this whole blog over to (u can migrate all your past archives to wordpress with just clicking one button) which is much more user-friendly. hope this helps.

  3. Thanks wanker2! We are all trying our best to live a meaningful life i suppose. I will seriously consider moving over to wordpress, thanks for the idea.
