Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"Banker Wanker, why you so antisocial wannnnn..."

I couldn't remember the last time I was home alone for the night. But with an early flight to catch in the morning and feeling like something the cat dragged in, the grand plans I had bubbling in my head during the ride back simmered to a packed noodle dinner, wantons and a nice flute of bubbly. With the TV on the background, a bowl of noodles on my lap and highly spaced out, a profound feeling of melancholy settled in. I took a large swig of bubbly, look at the bubbles shift around in the flute and feel slightly better as the alcohol seeps in. Washed up and took a final swig straight from the bottle and crashed into bed hoping for a dreamless night to ease the ache...predictably it didn't, but at least I was alive, and the pounding sound of my heartbeat in my head was a reminder of that. At least I have that for now...


I didn't particularly have an enjoyable weekend, and while I do enjoy taking care of Bumblebee, he was in one of his moods that meant extreme crankiness and crying. Boy, does he have a temper and to think he likely got it from me, so that is karma for you. I think the lack of personal time is getting to me, so much so that I actually look forward to spending some 'quality' time in the bathroom i.e longer showers, reading a book while I am sitting on the throne etc etc. I blame these antisocial tendencies on my lonely upbringing where books and drawing blocks were my friends. Mom and dad were almost never around while bro (who was way older than me) had his pimples and scrawny girls to worry about. I suppose it is all meant to be, cause since I am in no position to be social nowadays, the least I have is the ability to enjoy my antisocial tendencies. I don't expect everyone to get this, but I am sure there are a few disquiet souls out there who comprehends. Cheers to that, we are not alone....


Apologies for not posting earlier, Banker Wanker has been busy helping clients to get richer. What's in it for me I hear you ask...well, got to fill up my bowl of peanuts. Dang, multicolored jelly beans are so elusive. :)

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